Mark your calendars
Sunny Hill Golf Course and Recreation
3734 Sunnybrook Road
Kent, OH 44240
When & Cost
Saturday, September 30th 2023
6:00 pm to 11:00 or until we get thrown out!
In our efforts to make this reunion affordable to all classmates during these difficult days, your committee members have voted unanimously (not to have a cover-charge) for attending this gala event!!!! However, donations are highly encouraged and would be graciously appreciated to offset our expenses!
What to Expect
The following activities are available to all, if you wish to attend, starting Fri. evening, Sept. 29th and continuing Sat. Sept. 30th 2023
Friday’s Activities, 5:00 p.m. : there will be a tour of our old school buildings and our tour guide will be Tom Siciliano. Following the tour at approximately 6:30 / 7:00 p.m. will be the Rootstown Rovers Homecoming Football Game. After the game with a (W) in our pockets, there is talk of gathering at the New Milford Cafe for the icebreaker to the reunion!
Saturday’s Activities, will start off for those who would like to partake in a round of golf at the Sunny Hill Golf Course, before the reunion. Start time to be determined. Those interested will need to cover their own expenses to golf. 6:00 p.m. will be the start of our class reunion at the club house at Sunny Hill Golf Course. There will be catered food compliments of Tom Siciliano and Siciliano’s Pizzeria! Music will be provided by a DJ, as well as a cash bar. Dress attire is casual.