See who is coming
Bill Rickenbacher
Brad Ellwood
Tom Siciliano
Bob Heinzman
Bob Ice
Mary Porter (Sorboro)
Terry Lashley
Chris English (Finch)
Mark Metko
Connie Wilborn (Hladio)
Tammy Barlekamp (Parkhill)
Donna Shessler (Grant)
Rebecca Reminder (Black)
Lori Knap (Kirkpatrick)
Shelly Ashton (Kropac)
Danette Kerr
Cheryl Swanigan
Laurette Yeager
Mike Hanft
Howard Whitted
Donny Williams
Linda Stacey (Turck)
Jerry Faust
Jean Bridgeman (Parks)
Jeff Given
Susan Wemmer (Pletzer)
Kathy Lutter (Quinn)
Tim Ralston
Michele Forsythe (Stamas)
Brenda Wachowiak (Lemasters)
Karen Litzinger
Cindy Strippy (Huhn)
Duke Clay
Roger Dietz
Tim Durham
Shelly Borbely (Eckman)
Brett Linton
Diane Ohman (Madonio)
Larry Ohman
Jay Zimmerman
Pat Bailey (Zonar)
Laura Noel (Keller)
Monica Myers (Winkler)
Kevin Phile
It is with a heavy heart, especially while planning for our reunion, to list the names of our classmates that have passed away. May they rest in peace.
Alice Rager (Finch), Cheryl Ayers, Ken Bull, Alex Clause, Ken Day, Cindy Warwin (Englehart), Joe Grega, Tony Hannahs,
Catherine Howell (Klem), Jim Rinehart, Vicki Whitted, John Luthy
If you have questions please feel free to contact us!!!
Bill Rickenbacher at newstart1088@gmail.com or call 330-603-2725
Brad Elwood at d.brad.elwood@gmail.com or call 724-331-9586
Tammy Barlekamp (Parkhill) at bakedpears@aol.com or call 419-262-1663